Wednesday, 28 March 2018

Mickey Birthday Party - Garlic Baby Boy [Chocolate Tartletts & Jelly Cups]

Let's continue from last week Mickey Mickey Mickey!

Used the same dough from the butter cookie recipe, and shaped them into little tartletts. They are not the most presentable or the prettiest, but they definitely taste good (and overly sweet =X). So you can't deny me an A+ for effort, especially for those ears that took so much work!

Last but not least (but I feel otherwise), Jelly Cups! 100% store-bought jello, with minimum preparation, and poured into individual jelly cups. Well, sometimes it's the simplest things that count. =D

I suppose it's a big achievement to be able to prepare a dessert table like this. Though it's just simple pastries this time, let's work harder to improve and have a party at home sometime! Woohoo~

Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Mickey Birthday Party - Garlic Baby Boy [Butter Cookie & Egg Biscuit]

Hi~ We're back to the biggest project so far, so big that I decided to separate it into 3 posts!

Quite amazed that the first menu to be decided was the Butter Cookies. I had always deemed it to be the most tedious recipe ever. But after a few trial-runs and some brainstorming, I managed to make a big box like this in half a day, instead of a dreadful long day previously!

It's not exactly sufficient to feed 30pax (+10 children), but since the dessert table is just a side and would be served together with a dinner buffet, I didn't wanna make too much either. Too much of anything would make it bad, right?

Alright, to the next menu! The Egg Biscuit, that was added to the menu at the very last minute, because I thought it would be perfect for children and even babies! Totally reminds me of the 旺仔小馒头! I simply can't believe that this snack I used to nom all day as a child, or even a baby, can actually be homemade! So I definitely have to try making them, right?!

The taste was totally similar, though it doesn't melt in the mouth as much as the commercial ones. But still, it was not bad for the first time. Definitely gonna make again to achieve that ultimate melt-in-the-mouth texture.

Also packed them into small little containers for easy consumption~ Come on, one for every kiddy!

I guess I should take a break here, before our eyes die from diabetes. Turn tuned for more coming up next week~

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Mickey Brthday Party - Garlic Baby Boy

This is probably the biggest project I've worked on so far. Planning started waaaaaaay before the actual party, and that is definitely a good thing. Totally appreciate the early notice. Started planning at least half a year before, with some dilly-dally, procrastination, and distractions, but still did a pretty decent job, I would say.

Got there early to help out a little with the decorations. Mostly just tearing out tapes for the guys hanging the balloons. But I did help to pack these cutie boxes as well. Just a couple of them though. But still!

The host did spent a lot of effort (and money) in preparation of this day too, I suppose!

Food Displays, like the cupcake stands, pink trays and turntable, are provided by the host, with some help from her sister. I must admit everything turn out to be beautiful! Right~?

Dish Name Displays were all handmade prior to event, and I'm so glad they turned out perfect! Did some extra for the buffet table as requested from the host, but I didn't really catch photos of those, other than some funny dish names they had.

Designed them from scratch, with some help from past experience (the triangular base was the "nametag" we placed on our desks on orientation day back in secondary school)!

Sponged blue in the shape of Mickey's forehead and probably ruined it with my awful handwriting. Yeah, I know there's much to work on for that.

Typewritten the ingredients used for each of the menu, because I am paranoid about paranoid loving parents who may be overly concerned about what goes into baby's tummy.

Well, gonna talk more about the menu only next week, since I need a little more time to arrange those photos. Just glad to say that everything went smooth and yummy that day~!

Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Bearth-day - MMO

I must admit that I was sooooo busy that I was on the verge of dropping this. But I am still feeling bad about having dropped this last year. Not to mention that there are 2 birthdays on this same day and one of them is back to her home country that I can't even make anything even if I wanted to now. T_T

So! In the midst of all the preparations of the crazily big project (which I will be posting next week), I have found a life-saver in my favorite value shop, Daiso!

The printed card is store-bought and made in Japan! Well, the made in Japan part is the biggest contribution to my purchase. Bought one of each design, and even a letter pad. All made in Japan. Simply love them!

A stamped, pop-up centerpiece was all that is added on to make this lovely card!

A simple message/letter at the back, with random stickers everywhere. Not much time was spent on making this card, but still full of love and cuteness. I did made some steamed cupcakes (Mushipan) and gave them together with the card. But unfortunately, no pictures taken. Shall feature that another time since I gonna run for my next project~ Ta-da!